Biotab7 is a true multipurpose biocide.
The ultimate disinfectant antibacterial that kills germs quickly and effectively.
Talk to us today about how Biotab7 can help you raise the bar in your business.
Let’s be honest; no one wants to buy limp lettuce, droopy carrots, or molding berries. Biotab7 will keep your produce fresh and crisp in transport, extending shelf the life of your products. EPA Registered and green, our product is safe for use on organics.
Biotab7 neutralizes bad odors – without unnatural perfumes or other irritating agents. Dissolve into a container for a small room, or add to a spray bottle and spritz the air to ensure your guests are welcomed by a fresh first impression.
We help keep tough equipment running and clean, from tools to machinery and tractors. Clean anything in your operation that comes into contact with plant or animal by-products quickly and effectively.
We are proud to state Biotab7 keeps animals safe and healthy. Effective against skin conditions caused by fungal infections and infectious bacterium, Biotab7 protects and treats horses, cows, dogs, and more. It also produces safe drinking water, free from dangerous pathogens which cause diseases like Avian Flu, making it ideal for use in feeding and watering troughs.
While there is fancy chemistry in Biotab7, using it could not be easier. Simply add to water and apply as a spray or a soak. That’s it! No need for protective gear or specialized training. Working in a wide pH range of 2 – 11, it also makes managing pools and spas a breeze.
Biotab7 is perfect for washing meat, poultry, fish, fruits, and vegetables. Safely remove toxic agents such as pesticides while also eliminating harmful bacteria before the packaging stage. Biotab7 is safe. In fact, it is so safe that the exact same product is used to produce potable drinking water.
2007 study using ClO2 for disinfection in an Armed Forces General Hospital.
Lin, K. S., Hsieh, M. J., Liou, M. J., Lee, S. L., Lai, C. (2007). Disinfection effect of chlorine dioxide on air quality control in Armed Forces General Hospital of Taiwan. Nature and Science, 5(4).
2013 Study on water & wastewater from the journal Water South Africa.
Bekink, MJ, & Nozaic, DJ. (2013). Assessment of a chlorine dioxide proprietary product for water and wastewater disinfection. Water SA, 39(3), 375-378.
Defined by the EPA as effective against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria.
A common problem with disinfectant wipes, especially when used in childcare and healthcare facilities.
Agents which kill odor-causing bacterial microorganisms suspended in the air.
We are a passionate team of experienced professionals and scientists, creating new standards in disinfection.
Biotab7 is a revolutionary biocide that utilizes the latest advancements in chemistry. The result? A truly versatile chemical that is 18 products in 1.